Friday, July 13, 2012

Hawaii Sales Conference

The Honolulu Sales Conference 1983 was a huge affair and a turning point in the commercial breakthrough and viability of Apple.  the newly hired CEO John Sculley made rules for the dress code of the affair, which was casual but professional attire was allowed during the day and that more formal (suits, sport coats, ties, skirts, etc) were to be worn in the evening.
The notes are a mix of conservative sport coats, some ties and suits, polo shirts, women in skirts, dresses, 80's skirt or pant suits, casual but respectable design/art/computer office attire    ….    we want to feel that this is a big deal affair, especially for those in sales, promotion, and corporate people. 

the color pallet can be a range from off whites to some blacks, pretty much everything but NOT bright bright reds, electric blues and bright greens, jewel tones are ok, but must be muted and not in a giant mass of fabric.

the following are a visual guide line from a year later Apple sales conference in Honolulu.     plus more research photos for a feel of the mix.

the buckskin guy was a joke at the conference, please no coonskin hats

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